In February 1994, Koinonia Community Baptist Church (KCBC), began as a church plant of Berkland Baptist Church (BBC). ‘Koinonia’ in Greek means fellowship of shared life. It names the distinctive character of the life of the triune God which is the basis of our new life with God in Christ and with each other. BBC was founded by Pastor Paul Kim and his wife Rebekah in 1981, on the border of Berkeley and Oakland, CA (hence the name “Berkland”), with a vision to raise leaders for the 21st century and live out His commandments – to love God and let the world know his love by our love for one another as the family of God. KCBC began with a vision to share the gospel with college students and working professionals in the Greater Los Angeles area. At KCBC, we have had the privilege to raise up disciples of Christ, many who have committed their lives as foreign missionaries. Driven by God’s rich spiritual heritage and legacy handed down to us through BBC these past 40 years, KCBC has a renewed commitment to share God’s love with the community here in Long Beach and beyond.